Kuwait Esports Club

A non-profit organization formed for the purpose of development and popularization of esports in Kuwait.
don't miss them
The Kuwait Esports Club is planning to organize a number of events in Kuwait. These will be announced in the next few months. In addition, promoters who are planning to host competitions in Kuwait, could seek authentication from the Kuwait Esports Club.

Details of the authentication process for events will be published shortly.
The Kuwait Esports Club is planning to organize a number of events in Kuwait. These will be announced in the next few months. In addition, promoters who are planning to host competitions in Kuwait, could seek authentication from the Kuwait Esports Club.

Details of the authentication process for events will be published shortly.
KEC Membership
Membership is open to individuals, teams, clubs, companies, schools, universities and student associations. All accepted members have to be willing to observe the rules and regulations of the Kuwait Esports Club.